The Student News Site of Deer Valley High School

The Skyhawk Flight

The Skyhawk Flight

The Student News Site of Deer Valley High School

The Skyhawk Flight

Are Modern Men Weak?

Arm wrestle betwen big muscly man and and a small weak man
Arm wrestle betwen big muscly man and and a small weak man


Are modern men weak? Today, technology has advanced so much men don’t need to work as hard as they did in the past. This is caused a decline in mental health, men are physically weaker and more.

First off, jobs these days aren’t as tough as they once were. With more technology, people don’t have to do as much physical work. This means guys might not be as strong because they’re not using their muscles as much.

Also, what we eat plays a big part. We’re eating more processed foods and not moving around as much, which can lead to health problems like obesity. This might make guys seem weaker physically.

There’s also a change in how we see what it means to be a man. It’s not just about being tough anymore; it’s also about being kind, understanding, and open about feelings. But some people still think being emotional is a sign of weakness.

Talking about feelings is more accepted now, which is good. But some still see it as a bad thing for guys to ask for help with mental health issues like depression or anxiety. This might make guys seem weak to those who think men should always be tough.

Plus, society puts a lot of pressure on guys to be successful in their careers, make money, and take care of their families. This stress can affect their mental health and make them seem weaker emotionally.

What we see in movies and on TV also shapes how we think about guys. Sometimes, they’re shown as super tough and aggressive, which might not be realistic. These portrayals can make real guys feel like they’re not measuring up to that standard.

In the end, strength comes in different forms, like being able to handle tough situations, being kind, or asking for help when needed. Instead of focusing on what makes guys seem weak, we should appreciate the different things that make them strong.